
Hot Potato (Funny Wiggles dance)

Kids love it!! The mp3 song has been uploaded in "Songs for dancing" (on the right side of the blog).

Hot potato, hot potato, (x2)
Hot potato, Hot potato, potato,
potato, potato...potato
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti, (x2)
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti, spaghetti,
spaghetti, spaghetti...spaghetti
Ooh, ticky ticky ticky, (x2) Give me that,
give me that, give me that food
Ooh ticky ticky ticky, (x2) Give me that,
give me that, give me that food
Mashed banana, mashed banana, (x2)
Mashed banana, mashed banana, banana,
banana, banana,...banana
Ooh ticky, ticky ticky, (x2) Give me that,
give me that, give me that food
Ooh ticky ticky ticky, (x2) Give me that,
give me that, give me that food
Hot Potato, Hot potato, (x2)
Hot Potato, hot potato, potato,
potato, potato...potato

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