

Excelent song to learn about rythm in 4/4 and vocabulary!



We made a collage with all the first level kids. They learnt how to say and express if they are happy, angry or sad. There is a power point on the right side of this blog to support the activity and besides, one can use the song "if you're happy". The idea was given by the assistant and found it here:


I had to use newspapers and a few magazines because that's all we had at the school library, but it can be an interesting experience and if one can spend more time on it.

This is the collage.

Ellos se tenían que dibujar en el medio, eligiendo un estado de ánimo y luego buscar imágenes que representaran happy, angry, sad y colocarlas junto al respectivo nombre. Entre todos los trabajos hicimos un gran collage.